Friday, January 9, 2009

Zalim dan Kejam

PBB dah luluskan usul hentikan serangan, tetapi Israel tetap berdegil. Atas alasan, roket Hamas masih jatuh di selatan Israel. Jelas, Israel ingin menyapu bersih Gaza Strip. Dengan pertolongan US dan Hosni Mubarak menjadi "talibarut". Sia2 menjadi muslim jika takutkan US dan Israel lebih daripada takutkan Allah Taala. Sia2 menjadi muslim jika lebih sayangkan USA dan Israel daripada sayangkan saudara seIslam sendiri.

And because they are oppressed, then it is upon their Muslim brethren to aid them against those who oppress them, as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said

((A Muslim is the brother of a(nother) Muslim; he does not oppress him and nor does he hand him over (to the enemy))), its athenticity is agreed upon by both al-Bukhaaree and Muslim.

((Assist your (Muslim) brother if he is the oppresser or the oppressed)), it was asked:

"O Messenger of Allaah: (we understand about) assisting him when he is oppressed, so how do we assist him when he is the oppresser?" He (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said:

((Restrain him from oppressing (anyone), for that is asssiting your (Muslim) brother)).

Zalim dan kejam gelaran yang tepat bagi mereka. Nantikan sajalah balasan Allah Azza wa jalla yang akan tiba jua disatu hari nanti.


benludin said...

"Sia2 menjadi muslim jika takutkan US dan Israel lebih daripada takutkan Allah Taala."

setuju sgt kome..

kome lebih marahkan negara islam yg membisu dan takut kat israel n US. Perangai Yahudi n Kafir mmg dah tercatat dlm quran sebagai musuh islam. Mmmg dah 'logic' mereka memerangi islam samada secara terangan2an atau baling batu sorok tgn..

ummzaid said...

kome tambah sikit ..

O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors (over the Muslims): They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily God guideth not a people unjust. [Qur'an 5:51

benludin said...

setuju lagi...

bab additional info from quran n hadees kome serah kat deme..:)

Anonymous said...

c&p je.. :)

Anonymous said...

berita semalam..

penduduk awam yahudi yang bersempadan dengan Gaza keluar beramai-ramai menyaksikan pengeboman ke atas Gaza dari puncak sebuah bukit..mereka gembira..seolah-olah sedang menonton pertunjukan bunga api..

Anonymous said...

baca kat man bro jp?
meh ltk link, pls...jkk